It's easy to get started!

Install app from browser

Open the app from browser No need to download any app from the stores. The geoWatch app is PWA!

Choose your device, configure and GO!

Select your GPS device and auto-configure it. No need to know any command to send to the device.

How to get the geoWatch app

No need to download any app from the stores (Apple Store or Google Play).
The geoWatch app is PWA, Progressive Web App.

geoWatch run on any device (smartphones and tablets), on any PC (Mac - Windows - Linux) and even on smart watches!

With your preferred browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge or any other) open URL:

Add the app to your Home Screen

Login with your Account ID or email

Configure your device

Open device configuration and choose your device

Send configuration to your device with SMS

Open map tracking... and GO!

Buy now and start tracking and monitoring your loved ones in less than 5 minutes!

We truly care about your loved ones.