The geoWatch app is a professional software app and allows you to track your loved ones' location and monitor their activity from an app on your phone or from a PC or from a tablet.
The app allows you to locate your loved ones in seconds and track their activity and historical routes on your mobile device, or set designated areas (called geofences) that if your loved moves from you will alert you immediately.

We take data seriously and ensure our system is always up to date with the latest security practices.
Your data and files are transmitted using SSL encryption both to and from your smartphone or web browser (the same as online banks).

With geoWatch you get instant alerts of predefined events: when your parent enters or exits a geofence, battery status, low signal etc.
The geoWatch server sends you immediate alarms with:

  • Push notifications (native and browser)
  • SMS and Whatsapp messages
  • Emails

You can monitor your parent's location in real time using the app: during his movings, create safe areas around your parent position on the map and you’ll be immediately notified if they leave that space.
With geoWatch you can create 4 different types of safe area! (we call them 'geofences')

  • Fixed geofence
  • Static auto-geofence
  • Dynamic geofence
  • Click & Geofence

With geoWatch you have 3 days normal use and 5 days standby. The battery life of any GPS device depends on the mode you select.
You can quickly switch between them to use the one that suits your needs at that time, changing the heartbeats to send data.

geoWatch comes with it's FREE app. You do need to buy any additional app from the stores.

With geoWatch you can monitor any number of parents and friends. The app is multi-device and you can watch all your loved ones on a single map.

Yes, you can install the app completely free of charge and stay connected to your loved ones from wherever you are.

Yes, geoWatch is used today in all over the world.
geoWatch has several settings that make it easy to use, no matter where you are:

  • Multi language
  • Left-To-Right for arabian language
  • Measure settings
  • Time zone settings
  • Date format settings (month/day/year and day/month/year)
  • Time format settings (12-hour and 24-hour)

Yes, you can use on-the-go the geoWatch app on any modern iOS or Android devices.
geoWatch app is web-based and runs in the cloud.
geoWatch app works in all major, modern web browsers: Internet Explorer 11 and higher, Firefox 43 and higher, Safari 5.1 and higher, Chrome 22 and higher and Microsoft Edge. Google Chrome is recommended.

Yes, you can invite your family members, friends, and other to view your loved ones’s location and activity.
Give them your Account ID and password to login. Multiple individuals can access your loved ones's location at the same time.
Visit your parent's profile to send them an invitation to the free geoWatch app and platform.

All our payments are secure with:

  • credit card payments with Visa, MasterCard, American-Express and Maestro
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay, Google Pay and Microsoft Pay

No. The app is completely free and there is no subscription or monthly fee to use geoWatch and the app.

We are here and happy to help you and your childs with any issues relating the app or usage.
You can email us 24/7 at or by Skype.

Yes, any GPS device uses a 2G/3G network and this requires a SIM card to install inside the geoWatch device itself and a mobile subscription with your carrier. This allows you to track your loved ones location almost anywhere they are.

Absolutely no, you do not need to download any app from the Apple Store or Google Marketplace. The geoWatch app is PWA (Progressive Web Application).

Progressive Web Apps are user experiences that have the reach of the web, and are:

  • Reliable - Load instantly and never show the downasaur, even in uncertain network conditions.
  • Fast - Respond quickly to user interactions with silky smooth animations and no janky scrolling.
  • Engaging - Feel like a natural app on the device, with an immersive user experience.

Buy now and start tracking and monitoring your loved ones in less than 5 minutes!

We truly care about your loved ones.

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